PSI4: Open-Source Quantum Chemistry¶
- Introduction
- Installation and Runtime Configuration
- A PSI4 Tutorial
- Psithon: Structuring an Input File
- Theoretical Methods: SCF to FCI
- Capabilities and Alternate Implementations
- Notes on Options
- Notes on PSI Variables
- HF: Hartree–Fock Theory
- DFT: Density Functional Theory
- DCT: Density Cumulant Theory
- DF-MP2: Density-Fitted 2nd-Order Møller–Plesset Perturbation Theory
- DLPNO-MP2: Domain-Based Local Pair Natural Orbital MP2
- CC: Coupled Cluster Theory
- FNOCC: Frozen natural orbitals for CCSD(T), QCISD(T), CEPA, and MP4
- OCC: Orbital-Optimized Coupled-Cluster and Møller–Plesset Perturbation Theories
- PSIMRCC Implementation of Mk-MRCC Theory
- CI: Configuration Interaction
- MCSCF: Multi-Configurational Self-Consistent-Field
- SAPT: Symmetry-Adapted Perturbation Theory
- F/I-SAPT: Functional Group and/or Intramolecular SAPT
- ADC: Ab Initio Polarization Propagator
- Scalar relativistic Hamiltonians
- Geometry Optimization
- Evaluation of One-Electron Properties —
- Vibrational and Thermochemical Analysis
- TDSCF: Time-dependent Hartree–Fock and density-functional theory
- Interfaces: Enhancing PSI4 Capabilities
- Interface to NumPy
- Interface to adcc by M. F. Herbst and M. Scheurer
- Interface to the BrianQC GPU module by the BrianQC team
- Interface to CFOUR by J. Stanton & J. Gauss
- Interface to CheMPS2 by S. Wouters
- Interface to CPPE by M. Scheurer
- Interface to ddx by A. Mikhalev, A. Jha, M. Nottoli and M. F. Herbst
- Interface to DFTD3 by S. Grimme
- Interface to DKH by A. Wolf, M. Reiher, and B. A. Hess
- Interface to LibECPInt by R. Shaw
- Interface to LIBEFP by I. Kaliman
- Interface to programs through FCHK files —
- Psi4FockCI: A General Fock-Space CI For Spin-Flip And IP/EA
- Interface to gau2grid by D. G. A. Smith
- Interface to gCP by S. Grimme
- Interface to GDMA Distributed Multipole Analysis by A. J. Stone —
- Interface to Libint by E. Valeev
- Interface to Molden —
- Interface to MRCC by M. Kállay
- Interface to PCMSolver by R. Di Remigio
- Interface to SIMINT by B. Pritchard
- Spin-Network-Scaled MP2 (SNS-MP2) by D. E. Shaw
- Plugin v2rdm_casscf by A. E. DePrince
- Interface to Libxc by M. A. L. Marques
- Psithon Functions: Invoking a Calculation
- Notes on Options
- Single-Point Energy —
- Property
- Basis Set Superposition Corrections
- Geometry Optimization —
- Harmonic Vibrational Analysis and Visualization of Normal Modes —
- Database —
- Complete Basis Set
- Spectroscopic Constants for Diatomics
- Function Intercalls
- Embarrassing Parallelism
- Generation of Cube Files —
- Orbital Visualization with VMD
- Customization: Adding Simple Extensions
Programmers’ Manual¶
- Introduction to Programming in PSI4
- Adding New Code to PSI4
- Programming with the Core Libraries
- Integrals in PSI4
- Test Suite
- Debugging and Profiling
- Updating the PSI4 Users’ and Programmers’ Manual
- Code style conventions
- PsiPEP: Plans and Practices to Organize PSI4
- Managing: Git, Conda, CMake and all that
- PSI4 API: Linking C++ and Python
- External API Objects