
class psi4.core.SuperFunctional

Bases: pybind11_object


Methods Summary

XC_build(name, unpolarized[, tweak])

Builds a SuperFunctional from a XC string.

add_c_functional(self, arg0)

Add a correlation Functional.

add_x_functional(self, arg0)

Add a exchange Functional.


Allocates the vectors, should be called after ansatz or npoint changes.


SuperFunctional rung.


Initialize a blank SuperFunctional.


Amount of MP2 correlation.

c_functional(self, arg0)

Returns the desired C Functional.


Returns all C Functionals.


Range-seperated correlation parameter.


Amount of SS MP2 correlation.


Amount of OS MP2 correlation.


SuperFunctional citation.

compute_functional(self, vals[, npoints, ...])

Computes the SuperFunctional.


Density threshold for LibXC.


Maximum derivative to compute.


The description of the SuperFunctional


GRAC Alpha.


GRAC Beta.


Shift of the bulk potenital.


Requires MP2 correlation?


Contains range-seperated correlation?


Requires SCS-MP2 correlation?


Is this a GGA?


A full SuperFunctional definition from LibXC.


Is this a MGGA?


Requires exact exchange?


Contains range-seperated exchange?


Maximum number of grid points per block.


The name of the SuperFunctional.


Does this functional need GRAC.


Does this functional need VV10 dispersion.


Does this functional need XC quantities.


Queries the LibXCFunctionals for their density threshold values

print_detail(self, arg0)

Prints all SuperFunctional information.


Prints out functional details.

set_c_alpha(self, arg0)

Sets the amount of MP2 correlation.

set_c_omega(self, arg0)

Sets the range-seperation correlation parameter.

set_c_os_alpha(self, arg0)

Sets the amount of OS MP2 correlation.

set_c_ss_alpha(self, arg0)

Sets the amount of SS MP2 correlation.

set_citation(self, arg0)

Sets the SuperFunctional citation.

set_density_tolerance(self, arg0)

Sets the density threshold for LibXC.

set_deriv(self, arg0)

Sets the derivative level.

set_description(self, arg0)

Sets the SuperFunctional description.

set_do_vv10(self, arg0)

Sets whether to do VV10 correction.

set_grac_alpha(self, arg0)

Sets the GRAC alpha parameter.

set_grac_beta(self, arg0)

Sets the GRAC beta parameter.

set_grac_shift(self, arg0)

Sets the GRAC bulk shift value.

set_lock(self, arg0)

Locks the functional to prevent changes.

set_max_points(self, arg0)

Sets the maximum number of points.

set_name(self, arg0)

Sets the SuperFunctional name.

set_vv10_b(self, arg0)

Sets the VV10 b parameter.

set_vv10_c(self, arg0)

Sets the VV10 c parameter.

set_x_alpha(self, arg0)

Sets the amount of exact global HF exchange.

set_x_beta(self, arg0)

Sets how much more long-range exchange than short-range exchange.

set_x_omega(self, arg0)

Sets the range-seperation exchange parameter.

set_xclib_description(self, arg0)

Sets the LibXC version and citation string

test_functional(self, arg0, arg1, arg2, ...)

Quick testing capabilities.

value(self, arg0)

Returns a given internal value.


Return all internal values.


The VV10 b parameter.


The VV10 c parameter.


Amount of exact HF exchange.


Amount of exact HF exchange.

x_functional(self, arg0)

Returns the desired X Functional.


Returns all X Functionals.


Range-seperated exchange parameter.


LibXC version and citation string.

Methods Documentation

static XC_build(name: str, unpolarized: bool, tweak: dict[str, float] | None = {}) psi4.core.SuperFunctional

Builds a SuperFunctional from a XC string.

add_c_functional(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: psi4.core.Functional) None

Add a correlation Functional.

add_x_functional(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: psi4.core.Functional) None

Add a exchange Functional.

allocate(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) None

Allocates the vectors, should be called after ansatz or npoint changes.

ansatz(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) int

SuperFunctional rung.

static blank() psi4.core.SuperFunctional

Initialize a blank SuperFunctional.

c_alpha(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) float

Amount of MP2 correlation.

c_functional(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: str) psi4.core.Functional

Returns the desired C Functional.

c_functionals(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) list[psi4.core.Functional]

Returns all C Functionals.

c_omega(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) float

Range-seperated correlation parameter.

c_os_alpha(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) float

Amount of SS MP2 correlation.

c_ss_alpha(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) float

Amount of OS MP2 correlation.

citation(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) str

SuperFunctional citation.

compute_functional(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, vals: dict[str, psi4.core.Vector], npoints: int = -1, singlet: bool = True) dict[str, psi4.core.Vector]

Computes the SuperFunctional.

density_tolerance(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) float

Density threshold for LibXC.

deriv(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) int

Maximum derivative to compute.

description(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) str

The description of the SuperFunctional

grac_alpha(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) float

GRAC Alpha.

grac_beta(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) float

GRAC Beta.

grac_shift(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) float

Shift of the bulk potenital.

is_c_hybrid(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) bool

Requires MP2 correlation?

is_c_lrc(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) bool

Contains range-seperated correlation?

is_c_scs_hybrid(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) bool

Requires SCS-MP2 correlation?

is_gga(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) bool

Is this a GGA?

is_libxc_func(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) bool

A full SuperFunctional definition from LibXC.

is_meta(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) bool

Is this a MGGA?

is_x_hybrid(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) bool

Requires exact exchange?

is_x_lrc(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) bool

Contains range-seperated exchange?

max_points(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) int

Maximum number of grid points per block.

name(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) str

The name of the SuperFunctional.

needs_grac(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) bool

Does this functional need GRAC.

needs_vv10(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) bool

Does this functional need VV10 dispersion.

needs_xc(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) bool

Does this functional need XC quantities.

print_density_threshold(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) None

Queries the LibXCFunctionals for their density threshold values

print_detail(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: int) None

Prints all SuperFunctional information.

print_out(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) None

Prints out functional details.

set_c_alpha(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: float) None

Sets the amount of MP2 correlation.

set_c_omega(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: float) None

Sets the range-seperation correlation parameter.

set_c_os_alpha(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: float) None

Sets the amount of OS MP2 correlation.

set_c_ss_alpha(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: float) None

Sets the amount of SS MP2 correlation.

set_citation(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: str) None

Sets the SuperFunctional citation.

set_density_tolerance(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: float) None

Sets the density threshold for LibXC.

set_deriv(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: int) None

Sets the derivative level.

set_description(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: str) None

Sets the SuperFunctional description.

set_do_vv10(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: bool) None

Sets whether to do VV10 correction.

set_grac_alpha(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: float) None

Sets the GRAC alpha parameter.

set_grac_beta(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: float) None

Sets the GRAC beta parameter.

set_grac_shift(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: float) None

Sets the GRAC bulk shift value.

set_lock(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: bool) None

Locks the functional to prevent changes.

set_max_points(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: int) None

Sets the maximum number of points.

set_name(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: str) None

Sets the SuperFunctional name.

set_vv10_b(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: float) None

Sets the VV10 b parameter.

set_vv10_c(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: float) None

Sets the VV10 c parameter.

set_x_alpha(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: float) None

Sets the amount of exact global HF exchange.

set_x_beta(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: float) None

Sets how much more long-range exchange than short-range exchange.

set_x_omega(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: float) None

Sets the range-seperation exchange parameter.

set_xclib_description(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: str) None

Sets the LibXC version and citation string

test_functional(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: psi4.core.Vector, arg1: psi4.core.Vector, arg2: psi4.core.Vector, arg3: psi4.core.Vector, arg4: psi4.core.Vector, arg5: psi4.core.Vector, arg6: psi4.core.Vector) None

Quick testing capabilities.

value(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: str) psi4.core.Vector

Returns a given internal value.

values(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) dict[str, psi4.core.Vector]

Return all internal values.

vv10_b(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) float

The VV10 b parameter.

vv10_c(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) float

The VV10 c parameter.

x_alpha(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) float

Amount of exact HF exchange.

x_beta(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) float

Amount of exact HF exchange.

x_functional(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional, arg0: str) psi4.core.Functional

Returns the desired X Functional.

x_functionals(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) list[psi4.core.Functional]

Returns all X Functionals.

x_omega(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) float

Range-seperated exchange parameter.

xclib_description(self: psi4.core.SuperFunctional) str

LibXC version and citation string.